Oompa: I'm not sure either. My understanding is that the 144,000 Jews will go throughout the world and preach to their own people about the good news, that Jesus died for all; that he is everyone's Messiah. It makes the most sense to me at the moment.
I don't think the bible is implausable. I still believe it's the Word of God to man. It's man reading into it what they want that's the problem, especially with the Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons. I do believe that with an open heart things are revealed to us individually. But we do have to work at it by reading it for ourselves. Most of us leave our spiritual life to others and that is dangerous. I stumbled with one major issue a number of years ago and I did pray for guidance and do believe that I received that guidance. It's an amazing thing when it happens and it can happen for anyone if they are open to it, but it takes effort. I am reading the New Testament and I do pray for guidance. I hope I see things more clearly by really reading it.